Declutter your home by uninviting junk!

What can we do to prevent junk from collecting in the 1st place? Here are a few simple steps on how to uninvite junk to your homes and keep it need and tidy consistently.

1.Set limits on things that tend to accumulate with time.

We tend to accumulate certain items that we think will come in use to us in the future. For example some people collect the plastic bags that are used to put groceries when shopping at supermarkets. But they very rarely use all of the plastic bags that they collect and so these bags accumulate with time in their homes . By setting a limit to the number of that they are going to keep they could potentially prevent a lot of empty plastic bags that collect in their home, and keep their homes clutter free!

2.Make a shopping list

Many of us are guilty of impulse buying. But how many of these things do we genuinely need? Make a list of the essential items you need before making a trip to the supermarket next time. This will prevent you from buying unnessary things from collecting in your home as well as help you to save up some money to use for things you really need.
If you have problems sticking to the shopping list, a great way to control what you purchase is to do your shopping online. Eventhough you might have to pay for delivery you will save a lot of money on the long run by only buying essential goods. And most importantly you will keep your beautiful home clutter free!

3.Turn clutter into cash!

Sell or donate the junk collecting in your home. Sell the items with a higher market value and donate whatever you can not sell. You can even have an auction for the more valuable items.
You can look to the internat to sell these items. There are many great websites that allow it's users to buy and sell their used belongings. EBay is one of the more popular websites used for this purpose. But there are other websites as well.
If your not too sure on how to sell things online then having a yard sales is a great way to get rid of things you do not need and make some money at the same time.
Certain companies even buy recyclable trash from homes! So be sure to seperate your garbage into groups like paper, plastic and metal and contact your local recycling company or junk removal company.

4.Reduce incoming mail

A lot of us have experienced piling of mail in our houses. By reducing the mail that comes to your house you can prevent your house from becoming messy.
If you haven’t read those subscription magazines in the last few months cancel them. Opt for paperless statements from banks and credit card companies. Pay your telephone, electricity and water bills online. These simple steps will prevent unnecessary trash from collecting in your home.

5.Avoid overbuying

When products are on sale sometimes we tend to hoard more than we can use. More is not always better, even if it is on sale. Because products have an expiration date. Even things like soaps and detergents have a shelf life. An unopened liquid laundry detergent, for example, has a shelf life of up to a year if unopened and up to six months after opening. So don’t buy more than you can use!

6.Less is more

No matter how much you buy there is always more to be acquired. It is better to have to a few items that you really love rather than a house full of things that is just taking up space. This works specially for your wardrobe. A few key, high-quality pieces will will look much better on you than a closet stuffed with poorly made, trendy clothes.

About Us
Quick Help Junk Removal offers a variety of junk removal and hauling services. We work all over the Western New York (Buffalo, Amherst, Williamsville, Cheektowaga, Lockport, Niagara Falls, West Seneca, Tonawandas’, Wheatfield etc.) area providing the best trash / garbage removal services for local residents and businesses. If you would like to find out how we can help you get rid of your junk / trash, give us a call and please see some of our work.
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