
Showing posts from May, 2020
Declutter your home by uninviting junk! What can we do to prevent junk from collecting in the 1st place? Here are a few simple steps on how to uninvite junk to your homes and keep it need and tidy consistently. 1.Set limits on things that tend to accumulate with time. We tend to accumulate certain items that we think will come in use to us in the future. For example some people collect the plastic bags that are used to put groceries when shopping at supermarkets. But they very rarely use all of the plastic bags that they collect and so these bags accumulate with time in their homes . By setting a limit to the number of that they are going to keep they could potentially prevent a lot of empty plastic bags that collect in their home, and keep their homes clutter free! 2.Make a shopping list Many of us are guilty of impulse buying. But how many of these things do we genuinely need? Make a list of the essential items you need before making a trip to the supermarket ne